Vocabulary_영어 스피킹 및 리스닝을 위한 실용 Vocabulary 4
2017. 10. 10. 23:44
그림으로 연상해서 기억하는 4회차 Vocabulary 입니다
미국 Media(TV, Radio, Talk Show, Drama 등)에서 나오는 실용적인 Vocabulary 위주입니다.
1. dispense with something
to get rid of or do without something
2. expound [ɪk|spaʊnd]
to give a detailed explanation of something
3. farce [fɑ:rs]
a humorous play or film where the characters become involved in unlikely situations
4. flatten [|flӕtn]
납작해지다, 부수다
if you flatten something of if it flattens, it becomes flat or flatter
5. translucent [trӕns|lu:snt;trӕnz|lu:snt]
If an object or a substance is translucent, it is almost transparent, allowing some light through it in an attractive way