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Vocabulary_영어 스피킹 및 리스닝을 위한 실용 Vocabulary 10

그림으로 연상해서 기억하는 10회차 Vocabulary 입니다

미국 Media(TV, Radio, Talk Show, Drama )에서 나오는 실용적인 Vocabulary 위주입니다



1. paranoia [|pӕrə|nɔɪə]


편집증, 불안감, 공포증

an extreme and unreasonable feeling that other people do not like you or are going to harm or criticize you





2. impeccable [ɪm|pekəbl]


완벽한, 나무랄데없는

perfect, with no problems or bad parts





3. defiance [dɪ|faɪəns]



도전, 반항

behaviour in which you refuse to obey someone or something







4. sovereign [|sɑ:vrən]



국왕, 군주, 독립국의

a king or queen

having the highest power or being completely independent





5. selfie [ˈsɛlfi]




a photograph that you take of yourself , usually with a mobile phone