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Vocabulary_영어 스피킹 및 리스닝을 위한 실용 Vocabulary 8

그림으로 연상해서 기억하는 8회차 Vocabulary 입니다

미국 Media(TV, Radio, Talk Show, Drama )에서 나오는 실용적인 Vocabulary 위주입니다



1. silver lining 


밝은 전망

said to emphasize that every difficult or unpleasant situation has some advantage





2. prevail [prɪ|veɪl]



퍼지다, 만연하다, 우세하다 

to be common among a group of people or area at a particular time

to get control or influence 





3. interim [|ɪntərɪm]



중간의, 임시의

temporary and intended to be used or accepted until something permanent exists





4. incendiary [ɪn|sendieri]



방화(용)의, 자극적인

designed to cause fires

likely to cause violence or strong feelings of anger



5. alarmist |lɑ:rmɪst]

소란을 피우는 사람

someone who makes people worried by telling them about bad or dangerous things when it is not necessary or helpful